The future of United States fossil fuel-fired electricity

Environmental and labor implications of retiring generators at the end of their typical lifespans

Analysis: E. Grubert, Georgia Tech. Web map implementation: R. Phillips. 2020.

Display Year

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Hover over a plant or county for details
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Totals in Selected Year

n/a GW
n/a TWh
n/a million short tons CO2
n/a short tons NOx
n/a short tons SO2
n/a billion gallons water consumption
n/a jobs


Background and calculations: //link to publication//
Major inputs: EIA 860, eGRID 2018v2,
BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages,
Grubert & Sanders 2018


Power Plants

<50 MW
; 500 MW
; 5000 MW

Natural Gas Plants
Coal Plants
Oil Plants


Note that color blending occurs in counties with multiple job types
Color categories are orders of 10
1300 Fossil Power Plant Jobs
2600 Natural Gas Extraction Jobs
5600 Coal Extraction Jobs